2024-09-02 09:53:20



In the gentle tapestry of the Eastern water town, Hangzhou, a dazzling gem where  history and modernity intertwine, gracefully unfolds its unique charm. The rippling  waves of West Lake are nature's most delicate love poem, with the morning light  casting a soft glow on Su Causeway in spring. The willows brush the water's  surface, and every breeze carries a thousand years of tenderness and poetic  grace.



Strolling through Hangzhou feels like stepping into the grandeur of the Song  Dynasty, where every scene becomes a picturesque painting. This unique allure led  us to choose this location, making the showroom a brilliant new green on this  spiritual land. Nestled quietly between bustling and serene, it is a tribute to the  natural gift of wood and a profound understanding and integration of Hangzhou's  cultural heritage.







Before even reaching the showroom, one's heart is already enchanted. The gentle  waves of Hangzhou subtly unveiled an invitation to explore the art of wood. Like a  jewel embedded in the landscape, the Sacucci Hangzhou Showroom unfolds an  aesthetic journey with every step.



Ascending the stairs with light steps, a gentle touch opens the transparent glass  doors. Inside the showroom, light and shadow intertwine dreamlike, where the  collision of classical and modern elements transforms into a silent poem,  spreading before the eyes and drawing one into unintentional artistry.



At the showroom's entrance, a minimalist modern deer sculpture stands serenely,  as if it has just wandered from the depths of the forest. The deer and the wood are gifts from nature, harmoniously echoing each other in this space and weaving a  dreamlike narrative of the forest.


Tracing the Origins of Wood, Adorning with Art


Entering this space, with wood as the pen, we trace the essence of nature and  adorn it with art. Each grain of wood is a delicate depiction of nature’s hand,  embodying depth and expansiveness.



Classical luxury and modern simplicity elegantly collide in this room. The intricate  carvings on the wooden surfaces tell tales of past grandeur and elegance.  Classical patterns on the carpets gently extend with each step, echoing the  chandelier's delicate designs. Modern design elements are cleverly integrated into  this classical space in their minimalist form, creating a harmonious blend that  presents an aesthetic feast transcending time.



The ancient elegant chair stands firm in the space, with smooth lines and a solid  structure. It is a testament to Chinese culture and art heritage and exudes an  extraordinary aura. The inlay wood surface behind it extends the essence of  nature, with geometric patterns shifting under light and blending beautifully with  colors. This warms and imbues the space with a unique artistic atmosphere,  elevating the entire room into a visual dream.



The Senna Collection wood finishes carry the essence of craftsmanship,  showcasing carving artistry in every inch. They balance luxury and elegance  perfectly with plant oil coatings and unique brushed treatments. The intricate  patterns are decorations and a tribute to the noble spirit, blending classical  aesthetics with modern design to create a timeless quality living experience. Each  gaze deeply feels the enduring artistic charm, as if time stands still, leaving only  endless elegance and beauty.



In the Hearth of Everyday Life


In the colorful tapestry of modern life, the kitchen has subtly transformed from a  mere cooking space into a dazzling stage for showcasing culinary art, lifestyle  quality, and personal taste. By blending the essence of Eastern and Western  cooking, the kitchen opens the story of home warmth and continues the  unchanging warmth of the heart.



The Sacucci's Diamond Collection kitchen awaits timeless appreciation. Inspired  by the brilliance of the Louvre's glass pyramid, it blends classical aesthetics with  modern trends. The deep wood tones harbor infinite possibilities, with every inch  of space revealing exceptional taste and exquisite craftsmanship.



The cabinetry contrasts beautifully with the dark stone island, exuding a subtle yet  sophisticated charm. Hidden pull-out racks, like secret pathways, await discovery.  The smooth drawer slides reflect the attention to detail. This design transcends the  ordinary, making cooking an aesthetic journey where every touch enjoys refined  living.



The natural extension of a wooden bar counter at the island's edge features  delicate textures and warm hues, like an ancient forest bathed in morning light,  emitting the fragrance of time. High stools sit alongside, and as the family gathers  during cooking, the aroma of food and the warmth of family intertwine, creating  touching life scenes.



The cabinetry design is inspired by diamond cutting, with smooth facets and  shimmering gloss resembling brilliant stars. Its diamond patterns are simple yet  grand, with soft, stable lines displaying a unique rhythmic beauty. The matte metallic finish gives the cabinetry a deep, stable texture, reflecting the space's  infinite layers and balancing luxury with modern flair.



In this space, design transcends material accumulation, presenting an artistic  interpretation of deep insights into quality living. Every inch of space and detail  reveals a unique perspective on refined living.



Thus ends the first chapter of the Hangzhou showroom. Yet, the elegant essence  of wood remains unfulfilled, with its craftsmanship and deep emotions waiting to  be fully unveiled. The next chapter will continue the journey, inviting everyone to a  grand wooden artistry feast.

- 杭州展厅-



木之所及 皆能驾驭
Master in wood, believer in life

