2024-08-12 15:39:39



In the depths of time, wood appears as an ethereal illusion, carrying the charm of the  earth and the essence of nature. It is the messenger of the forest, caressed by the  gentle breeze and nourished by the rain. When wood meets the haven of a home, it is  like moonlight spilling onto a tranquil lake, creating ripples of poetic beauty.


Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication


In this project, every inch of space gently embraces the rhythm of nature. With its  unique steady hue, American black walnut spreads slowly, forming flowing pictures.  Paired with zero-degree matte coating, the wood’s gentle and delicate texture is  showcased in its purest form, without any excess decoration, yet exuding understated  luxury.



A home is a living space and an elegant encounter between nature and humanity.  There is no need for elaborate words; just the most straightforward language of wood  tells tales of isolated tranquility and depth.



Behind the sofa, a whole wall of wooden bookshelves stands quietly, becoming a  unique scenery. However, designing this massive bookshelf posed significant  challenges: constructing a large, open, backless structure supporting the weight of  hidden doors on both sides was a severe test for traditional wood structures. It is  hard to ensure stability and safety with wood alone.



The designer ingeniously used the harmonious dialogue between wood and aluminum  to make this seemingly light bookshelf possess the strength of steel. The warm touch  of wood wraps around the sturdy aluminum frame, with both materials relying on  each other, creating a miracle of space that is both solid and graceful. The hidden  doors on both sides, crafted with the same wood-aluminum blend, seamlessly blend  into the wooden sea, waiting for each gentle touch to unveil new explorations.



The bookshelf elegantly extends to the dining room's warm, rich wooden wall. This  wall is not just a partition but a clever blend of art and nature, designed into a ripple  shape, like waves on a lake, filled with lively poetry, making it an unforgettable focal  point of the space. However, the creation process was full of challenges and  hardships.



The 50mm thick wave board could not directly present a satisfactory threedimensional effect, and whole board production faced risks of cracking and  deformation due to natural properties, making direct carving an unattainable luxury.  Facing numerous difficulties, the designer eventually took a unique approach, dividing  the waveboard into four parts, carefully ensuring visual continuity, and using  advanced programming technology to carve it smoothly and seamlessly. This  persistent effort and ingenuity achieved this bright spot in the space.



The TV background wall is designed as a whole wooden grille sliding door, not just a  partition but a flowing landscape. Using parallel bus sliding door hardware, the  wooden frame wraps lightweight acrylic instead of glass to reduce weight. The acrylic  is cleverly grooved with double-sided wood strips, making it sturdy yet warm,  perfectly blending into the space.



When closed, it transforms into a simple wooden wall, calm and restrained,  harmonizing with the surrounding decor and exuding a serene beauty. With a gentle  pull, the door slides open, revealing the hidden TV, the entrance to the master  bedroom, and the wine cabinet. Softly alternating between two worlds, it makes the  space spacious and lively.



Pure Wood Color, Unstained and Clean


The world of cooking is a different realm in the home. The open western kitchen  surrounded by wood exudes the warm breath of nature, with each texture telling  warm stories of everyday life.



The stone island, with its stark texture and rigid lines, contrasts sharply yet  complements the wooden Western kitchen. The stone’s hardness and the wood’s  warmth—strong, gentle, cold, and warm—create a practical and artistic cooking  space.



At the end of the western kitchen, the 18mm thick wooden veneer carries the warm  thickness of nature. Faced with the limitation of the indoor five-constant system  requiring no wooden veneer on walls and ceilings, we innovatively designed close-tocolor wood veneer ceilings with nailed wooden strips on top, meeting technical  requirements while preserving the natural beauty, simple yet warm, creating a unique  kitchen style.



The western kitchen area cleverly integrates the essence of modern design - hidden  sliding doors. With a gentle pull, the convenience of modern life and the rigid lines of  appliances are skillfully concealed, leaving only the purity and order of the space.



Beside the dining table, the design of parallel folding sliding doors is like delicate  magic, quietly hiding within the walls. Everywhere you look is clean and tidy, without  any abruptness or complexity. It feels like being in a serene forest, with the texture of  the wood grain flowing with the vitality of nature.



In the dining room, the round table stands quietly, like a boat of time, gently docked  in a warm harbor. The surrounding air carries a touch of elegance and leisure, with  each breeze bringing the scent of home, softly brushing against the heart. Here, it is  a feast for the taste buds and a sanctuary for the soul. Raising a glass, letting the  soul leisurely enjoy the serenity and elegance, wholly captivated.



Natural Charm, Dream Abode


Through the depths of the living room, a nearly invisible sliding door stands quietly,  like the delicate boundary between nature and private space. With its excellent hidden  design, this door perfectly blends with the surrounding environment, existing as lightly  as air until a gentle touch reveals its presence.



The Celia sliding door gently extends, leading to the corner of the study, serving as  the elegant prologue to the master suite, far beyond a mere reading nook. Here,  between day and night changes, a cup of tea and a few volumes of books are enough  to forget the hustle and bustle, letting thoughts drift freely. The master bedroom  space, paved from here, is a secret place for the soul to rest, where dreams begin  and continue.



A light and thin edge in front of the desk elegantly outlines the solid wood's unique  warmth. This is not only an elegant display of solid wood's plasticity but also a  heartfelt tribute to the craftsmanship aesthetics of modern furniture design, with  every detail containing the craftsman's endless pursuit of perfection.



In the master bedroom, the natural wood color and white paint a fresh landscape, like  a cabin in the forest at dawn. The bedhead lightly wraps in warm wood veneer, like  the breath of nature quietly entering dreams, becoming a highlight in the space.



Minimalist Aesthetics, Space Left Empty


Crossing the warm and quiet bedroom, the gaze turns lightly to the living room, where  an alcove behind the sofa quietly unfolds like a secret garden of time, leading us into  another elegant realm.



In the entertainment room, the wooden bookshelf stands quietly, not only a forest of  wisdom holding thousands of books but also an invisible screen marking the space’s flow, outlining the subtle boundary between the living room and private areas. The  back panel of the bookshelf hides secrets, and when the sliding door is gently pulled  up, this wall of wisdom instantly changes, dividing the space into two independent  children's rooms. The half-open window frame, city scenery quietly entering the  picture, and sunlight filtering through the curtains, warming every inch of space.



The daughter's room is meticulously designed in a Japanese style. Outside the door,  the mundane and noisy life is present; inside, it is a gentle symphony of tranquility  and Zen. This transition transcends the boundary of time, intoxicating one with this  sudden serenity and elegance.



The Japanese-style design deeply understands minimalist aesthetics, abandoning  complicated decorations and pursuing a simple and pure realm. Here, every detail is  carefully considered, aiming to create a peaceful atmosphere, allowing one to find  inner peace and freedom in a busy life.



Sunlight streams through the clear windows, casting dappled light on the tatami,  coating it with a layer of golden glow. The wardrobe beside stands quietly, its doors  adopting a parallel folding sliding door design, saving space and exhibiting a smooth  and harmonious beauty with every opening and closing, adding a touch of modern  and practical charm to this small world. During the day, it is a quiet haven with a  tatami table becoming a place for reading and working. At night, laying out a bed  instantly transforms into a warm bedroom, with stars and moonlight filtering through  the curtains, adding a touch of tranquility and harmony to dreams.



With each step, from every corner to every door, wood tells stories of peace and  warmth in its unique way. We gently close the doors now, preserving this tranquility  and beauty in our hearts.





△ 效果




Project Brand: Sacucci 


Project Company: Office for Invisible Design


Chief Designer: McChina Ming, Chao


Wood designer:Xiaofeng Zhang


Wood essence:American black walnut


Painting: Zero-degree matte paint


The sole manufacturer:Nantong Feiyun Craft Furniture Co., Ltd. 


Photographer:Pu yan


Copywriter:Cloud Mirror Media


Chief Designer

“  赵  明   ”



McChina Ming, Chao国际知名设计师,台湾隐形设计事务所署名设计师。主张“简于形、精于心”的室内设计理念,倡导“隐其型、显其性”的室内空间价值。其营建规划与营销企划“文武合一、软硬兼施”独树一帜的设计风格,创造了独一无二的设计价值,成为文化豪宅的设计典范与领导品牌。他大胆尝新,勇于突破,运用许多个性鲜明的题材与建材,以赤子童真的视角,用自然存真的手法打破僵化、突破陈规,无论是在公共空间还是私密环境,无论是心灵体会还是身临体验,总令人感动常在、惊叹不已......


木之所及 皆能驾驭
Master in wood, believer in life
